Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ten Cooler Things

So here are ten things I like about cooler weather, probably in order of importance since this is the order in which they entered my brain from stage right.

1. Boots. And scarves.

2. Soups, stews, and chili.

3. My dog is happier in cooler weather.

4. My mom is happier in cooler weather.

5. Those ginormous harvest moons, and morning frost, and squirrels and chipmunks everywhere. Oh, and those huge racks on the fiesty male deer.

6. Crayola-colored leaves scattered around chubby pumpkins.

7. Hot flashes that don't last as long.

8. Sort of like #7 -less sweating overall.

9. I don't have to shave my legs so often.

10. Fleece jackets come out, swimsuits go away.
Next up: the top 100 things I hate about cold weather.

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